#bob the necromancer
whowouldwininafite · 3 months
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bizarrobrain · 2 years
Bob the Necromancer by wizard_ray 
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larsgoingtomars · 1 year
G'day! I'm bob the necromancer, and today we're doing an unboxing!
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goddessofuckyou · 1 month
Bob the Necromancer
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mercurialmalcontent · 2 years
Way back when I got into writing seriously, one of the best things I did for myself creatively was let go of the idea that I have to make up names out of whole cloth for my fantasy stories. I don’t have to mangle some poor language or wrangle random syllables and string them together with apostraphes, and I certainly don’t have to invent half a conlang. I can just... name characters actual, existing names.
I want to evoke a stiff and faded setting? Loot Victorian and Edwardian stories for names. I want to lend shades of a real-world culture to a setting? Look up names from that culture and ask someone from that culture when possible. I want names with ~meaning~? There’s all sorts of evocative words in English for me to pick from.
I can even say to hell with all of that and just give characters whatever every day people names that come to mind. I can name a necromancer Bob if I want to! Who's gonna stop me, the writing cops??
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stormsharknado · 1 year
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A commission from anon for their wizard and Spooky Bob! I'm honestly obsessed with their halloween wizard - what a great fit!
commission info
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drbarty · 1 year
I have encountered an Australian necromancer named Bob, how should I proceed?
Wish him G’day and tell him you love his unboxing videos!
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katakaluptastrophy · 10 months
There's so much going on at the end of the anniversary dinner.
There's Cytherea saying the dinner was "useful" and affectionately referring to the Fourth as "the children", when it of course transpires that the dinner was useful for identifying who to murder first, and when she will hunt and torment those children just weeks later.
Then, as the Fourth's whispered conversation about biceps grows in volume, this happens:
Their hisses carried. Abigail, who was standing nearby deep in conversation with one of the Second, reached out a hand to touch Isaac lightly on the shoulder in reproof. She did not even turn around or break off talking. The Fourth adept winced: his cavalier had a hard, resentful, told-off expression on her face.
The Fourth seem particularly upset by Abigail's silent warning. And with good reason. Isaac is the Baron of the Fourth. We know from the Cohort Intelligence Files that his father's title was held in stewardship. We also know that Abigail managed to get them rejected from the Cohort on age grounds, despite the fact that when they applied they were several years older than Judith was when she joined up. Which raises a interesting question: what is the Houses' definition of legal majority and does it differ by House? Did their rejection on age grounds perhaps have something to do with their education on the Fifth? Would they have been eligible on the Fourth, but were still considered children and in education on the Fifth? Regardless, at 13 Isaac is holding the title of Baron and Jeannemary is his cavalier primary. They are there formally as House scions in contention for Lyctorhood. They are, we have to assume, at this point in some legal way adults as far as the society of the Nine Houses is concerned. And there is Abigail - Abigail Pent, Lady of the Fifth, the House at that moment apparently actively annexing the Fourth - treating them as if they are still children and under her authority in public. Of course they're upset.
This isn't to say that it wasn't an otherwise prosaic family interaction and that they don't have a loving and very familial relationship with the Fifth - we see them bobbing around after Magnus and in and out of the kitchen before the dinner, happily acting like the Fifth's children. But the casualness with which Abigail shushes Isaac is inescapably, for all of them, also political.
And Cytherea immediately picks up on this. It's what seems to provoke her moment of candid reflection on House politics to Gideon:
Dulcinea murmured, “Oh, Gideon the Ninth, the Houses are arranged so badly … full of suspicion after a whole myriad of peaceable years. What do they compete for? The Emperor’s favour? What does that look like? What can they want?
Cytherea perceives this interaction as political. As evidence that she's right - that the whole system is broken. She sees competition in Abigail's parental gesture, and suspicion in the frustration of teenagers who want to be grown ups. And she kills them all.
And there's two rather awful thoughts that follow from this.
The first is the extent to which Jod's shitty system poisons things. Abigail Pent, who just wants to nerd out about ghosts but is very good at whatever job she sets herself to, has a marriage with a man that she loves as an equal...and over whom she holds life and death authority three times over, as his feudal lord, as his boss, and as his necromancer. He dies because he is her cavalier, even though it's suggested that his cavaliership was in part Abigail's gesture against having to participate in the whole system in the first place and evidence of her plans to escape it. And despite the fact that they clearly loved the Fourth as their own, every gesture of that love was also inescapably part of a political manoeuvre set in motion by previous leaders of the Fifth to draw the Fourth further under their control. And with Isaac still, at least on paper, holding authority in his own right, prosaic parts of that relationship suddenly become matters of state and not the teenage drive for independence. And Cytherea looks at this and, for all her hatred of Jod, is unable to see him as the poison at the root of it.
Worse, we don't know what happened next. We know eventually the Fifth went to the Facility, but what did the Fourth do? Did they make up, and say their fond goodnights? Or is part of the Fourth's hysterical grief as they try to summon the Fifth's ghosts at the crime scene because they slunk off after this, and it was the last time they ever saw them alive?
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guess-that-ship · 2 months
Guess That Ship Tournament Season 12: Submissions CLOSED!
The Concept: You describe your ship* to me, I pick out the submissions which I find most compelling and pit them against each other without revealing who they are, people vote on them, and their identities gets revealed once they’re eliminated.
Submission Guidelines
*For the purpose of this tournament, relationships do not have to be romantic in nature. (I’m sometimes going to use “ship” as a shorthand, just know I mean “relationships” in general.)
Relationship can be between any number of characters.
Real people are accepted if they’ve been dead for more than 100 years.
Roleplay characters are accepted as long as the description only pertains to the characters and not the players.
Crossover ships are only allowed if the crossover is official.
OCs are accepted. (However, OC x Canon is not accepted. Please do not submit other people's OCs without their permission.)
No overtly NSFW submissions. (Mentioning they have sex or are a sex worker is fine, but try to avoid anything more than that.)
Two submission per person. (Do not submit the same ship twice. I cannot enforce this on Google Forms without forcing you to log in. So just be champs and respect this rule.)
Failure to follow these guidelines may result in all of your submissions being disqualified for this season.
Summary Guidelines
Selection Process: I will read through the list of descriptions submitted without reading their names and pick the most compelling submissions. Then, I will check the name to make sure there's no repeats.
Keep it concise, but also bring something unique to the table. Make sure to describe their relationship, not just summarize the events of the story.
Previous submissions for reference. The ideal submission should be 2-3 paragraphs, but you can make it as short or long as you want. Please keep in mind the longer your submission, the less likely it is to get in.
Tips on what to avoid while writing a summary can be found here.
Descriptions should be based on canon, not headcanon. (e.g. You can say “they love each other” instead of “they’re lovers” if their romantic nature is debatable.)
Avoid author commentary. (e.g. "They're canonically x," "I love them," "Play/watch/read this," etc.)
Use canonical pronouns.
Avoid identifying information or setting specific giveaways. (i.e. Ninja village, space necromancers.)
When submitting OCs, please make sure to at least put a name somewhere. (e.g. "John and Bob by anonymous" or "OCs by Joey.")
The more popular your ship is the more vague the description should be.
Ships that were accepted in Season 7 onwards and ships that at least reached the semifinals in Season 1-6 are not allowed. For a complete list, please look here. (No need to look through the whole list, just Ctrl+F to find the ship you want.)
Any submissions from Harry Potter will also not be included.
I will not vet the ships/pairings for problematic content.
If you participate in this tournament, know that you run the risk of unintentionally voting for your nOTP. The mod does not take any responsibility for any distress that may cause you.
There will be a limit of one ship per media in the bracket. You may submit two ships from the same media, but keep in mind only one ship will be able to get in. (A series or franchise will generally count as one media, but they will be evaluated on a case by case basis.)
Submit your ships here! Submissions will be open until Monday, August 5th at 10 PM EDT.
Please reblog this post to spread the word! The more submissions, the better!
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The Multiversal Girlboss battle is over!
Let's take a moment to look at the top 8 of our fine competition.
#1 - Vraska, Queen of the Golgari
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With a resume sporting feats of assassination, piracy, and a successful hostile overtaking of a swarm-like guild, it's unsurprising she'd find herself at the top.
#2 - Alesha, Khan of the Mardu
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This Khan who smiles at death viciously fought her way to the top, on the back of not only her incredible list of feats but also the fact that she is, indeed, transgender.
Tied for #3 - Liliana Vess
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Though I doubt she'd settle for tying, she'll have to accept it. This intrepid necromancer has seen the most limelight of any of the girlbosses in this tourney. I would go so far as to say that in her early years she defined what it meant to be a Magic girlboss. Unfortunately for her, her recently compromised girlboss status due to a pesky thing called "character growth" doomed her to third place.
Tied for #3 - Teysa Karlov
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Opportunistic and cutthroat, Teysa's slow climb of the Orzhov ladder, leaving her effectively at the top of a corporate AND religious hierarchy, gave her a strong case for her ascension to the title of ultimate girlboss. Unfortunately, she lost out to someone who was actually able to take over a guild.
Tied for #5 - Queen Marchesa D'Amati
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Long may reign the queen of Fiora, but let it be known that this is the highest title that she will achieve.
Tied for #5 - Nahiri, the Lithomancer
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While Nahiri has surely taken some girlboss actions (read: committed some war crimes), her status as a repeated failgirl blocked her from ascending any further in this competition.
Tied for #5 - Ashnod the Uncaring
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Speaking of war crimes, it's Ashnod! In spite both of her numerous felonies and her sporting that bob (one of the most girlboss hairstyles) she fell just short of greatness in this one.
Tied for #5 - Emrakul, The Promised End
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Rounding out our list we have Emrakul. We hope she's having fun up there in the moon, and we hope she knows we're ready for her to join us whenever she wants.
Link to final round masterpost.
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polkadotjohnson · 2 months
3. 💘 Love - Bob (Prisoners)
#bobtaylordidnothingwrong2k24 (well... nothing major at least) Possibly the most tragic of all the DD boys. No, scratch that, definitely the most tragic one. Poor baby. Poor sacrificial lamb. fuck detective Loki i will save you bob i have a necromancer If I could enter any movies I'd go into Prisoners and give Robert Taylor the help he needs before it's too late.
"Why? Is it a crime to shop there? Can't afford to buy suits from Brooks Brothers." -Bob
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3. 🔥 Hot - Ray (The Rookie)
👁👄👁 I wanna climb him like a tree. Everything about him makes my mouth water. Except his clothes. I hate his clothes he should take them off
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dhwty-writes · 1 month
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Tána of the Onyx Seers
Another finished artwork and another NPC of my Pathfinder campaign, this is Tána, the dead(?) necromancer lover of @parttime-creative's current PC Atánasya. She showed up in the last session dissecting a devil's corpse 🥰
ID under the cut
[Image Description: A portrait of a female dark elf from the hips up. She is wearing all-black clothes and has a chin-length silver bob. Her silver, pupil-less eyes stare straight ahead. The background consists of a multicolored magic circle and a starry sky. End ID.]
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tiny-maus-boots · 8 months
Darkest of Nights pt 19
Happy valentine's day, nerds.
All in all it hadn’t been the worst first meeting of the parents. At least. She didn't think it went that badly. Beca didn't really have anything to compare it to since there had never been anyone in her life to warrant a meeting of the folks before now.
She had learned a few things from them, however. Important things that had eased her mind being in the heart of a vampire stronghold.
The first being that every vampire there had defied the council in some way to protect or hide werefolk, humans, and fae to escape the Blood Guard. That counted for a lot in her book and forced her to change the way she was viewing vampires in general. Not that she truly trusted any of them besides Chloe and Aubrey but they had a stake in this fight for their own freedom.
All of them were as good as dead if the Council were to find them now. The necromancer pondered this as she turned on the shower to a deliciously warm spray and stepped under it. She sighed as she considered everything else she had heard too.
They would be safe there but only for a time. The blood guard would track them down eventually and all those vampires were now just sitting targets. Einar promised that every last one would fight for their lives but would they fight for hers?
Beca didn't think so. It wasn’t anything against them really. They didn't know her, and they were scared of what she could do to them. What she had done to them already. It weighed heavily on her as she lathered her hair and worked out the grit, sweat, and dried blood.
It didn't hurt. The necromancer frowned and gingerly touched all over her scalp but she couldn’t find any wounds that had occurred during her struggle with Billy Bob Pimp. Or the blast in the crypt. Her fingers trailed down her neck to brush over the delicate marks where Chloe had sunk fangs into her. There was no scabbing, only the smooth, slightly raised skin of scar tissue.
The brush of her fingertips over the bite marks caused a rush of heat to burn its way from her neck to parts decidedly lower and she had to inhale quickly to stifle the moan before it could slip past her lips.
Beca leaned against the cool tiled wall and focused on breathing. That was new. Not exactly unpleasant newness, but definitely unexpected. When she was sure her knees wouldn't buckle under her, she pushed off the wall and hurried through the rest of her shower looking for wounds that had already healed to unmarred flesh.
Finally wrapped in a luxuriously plush robe courtesy of Chloe, she leaned forward and looked into the mirror. No cuts, no bruises, no marks. Except for Chloe’s bite she was back to her usual resting bitch face with none the wiser about what she had just been through. Nothing had changed but she knew she was a different creature entirely than the woman who had been abducted from her caravan days..or weeks before. Honestly she wasn't even sure how much time had passed. It felt like a lifetime.
“Beca? Are you okay in there?”
She pulled back from the mirror at the knock and tightened her grip on the soft white terry cloth at her neck like the literal robe clutching prude that she was. Beca shuffled to the door and opened it a crack to peek out. Aubrey hovered just outside the door full of concern and holding a folded stack of clothes.
“What’s all that?”
“Chloe’s wardrobe is a little more…colorful than your usual style but I did find some things you might v-vibe with?”
God, did she have to be so fucking adorable all the time? Beca smiled and opened the door wider. “Still figuring out what the cool kids say, huh?”
“I feel as though I’m speaking a new language comprised of words I already know but no longer understand the meaning of.”
Aubrey handed over the folded stack of clothes with a soft frustrated sigh. It was hard to reconcile this gentle and confused woman with the crazed ax wielding demon vampire she knew the blonde could be.
“Well you're doing great. And you look like you feel better.”
The blonde gave a slight nod and self consciously brought her hand up to the side of her face that had been burned. There wasn't even a hint of redness now.
“Thanks to you. You seem to have healed as well.”
Aubrey reached out a tentative hand and grazed a fingertip along her jaw, tipping her head to the light. A cool hand cupped her cheek and Beca leaned into it. It was an almost perfect feeling standing there together. The air around them shifted as Chloe’s body filled the space beside them. Her pale arms slid around Beca and Aubrey, closing the circuit between them. Now it was perfect.
Power hummed up around them without the intensity they had called up in the van. This was something much softer and it swirled and eddied around them as though they were caught in a current. Their connection wasn't just magic that flowed between them, it was a part of each of them bound together in a way mere bodies could never achieve.
And the Council would never let them have this. Not without a fight.
Beca sighed and pulled back only enough to look at the two vampires. Now that she had whatever this was she intended to keep it. And as much as she wanted to sink into Chloe’s bed with them and do things that absolutely would get them arrested in several states and totally murdered by the Blood Guard, she knew they needed to plan.
“Can we talk?”
Chloe’s arms dropped from around them in resignation and Beca felt a tiny stab of rejection through their connection. The redhead mastered her tone and smiled just as airily and bright as always and it made Beca wonder how many times Chloe had done that before for her. Always accepting the rejection and only offering a teasing smile in return.
“Of course Bec. I'm sure you'd like to set up some ground rules for us…”
Confusion furrowed her brow at that. Rules? Beca opened her mouth but closed it with a click as she eyed them carefully.
“For our behavior.” Came Aubrey’s prompt reply.
“For your behavior?”
She felt like a parrot just repeating back what she was being told but her brain couldn't seem to wrap itself around what was being suggested. Chloe took pity on her and gestured vaguely around the apartment.
“So you'll feel safe here with us. We won't bite. We promise.”
Beca couldn't explain the way that made her feel. It was in their nature to bite. To feed. To take because they could. And yet for her, they would resist. Had resisted for days even with her leaking blood like a sieve after every injury.
“Oh Chlo…” How did she even begin to explain to them that biting wasn't even on her list of concerns? Beca reached out and took Chloe’s hand in her own, drawing her in closer. “I don't need you, either of you, to follow rules to make me feel safe. I trust you. Safe words for kink on the other hand…well we can get to that later.”
Chloe’s smile was slow and wide and Beca definitely felt her heart do flip flop things she hadn’t felt before. The redhead gave her a quick peck on the cheek and nudged her back into the bathroom.
“Put some pants on, Necromancer, or that talk is going to happen sooner than you think.”
Beca grinned and shut the door on them so she could dress. Not that she needed the privacy but she also didn't want to tempt Chloe into mounting her. Yet.
When she came out Aubrey was predictably hovering with nervous tension by the door.
“If not our behavior then what do you wish to speak to us about?”
Beca took in Aubrey’s small frown of confusion and reached out her free hand to the blonde and led her to bed where Chloe was patiently waiting. It felt better touching them both and she settled in between them, content to just be held.
“Our plan. Which seems like a stupid topic when we're all canoodled up like this. How are you warm right now?”
Chloe giggled at Aubrey’s obvious discomfort at the question and Beca was surprised to see a faint blush rise to the otherwise porcelain skin.
“We fed while you were showering. Aubrey is just a little embarrassed about breaking the fridge.”
“It was an accident.”
“You were drunk.”
Beca's eyes went wide. “Do I want to know?”
“She thought the stainless steel fridge was a can of sardines.”
“It has no handle! I didn’t know how to open it! What kind of contraption has a sealed door with no discernible handle?”
It started as a Muttley snicker that turned into a full on belly laugh that she couldn't seem to stop. Every overwrought nerve she had released its tension and she laughed until she could barely breathe and her sides hurt.
And they let her. Without her needing to explain why her hysterical laughter had turned to uncontrollable sobs. They simply held her between them and weathered the storm of Beca’s emotions with gentle kisses and soothing caresses.
“I'm sorry.”
“For having emotions? Bec, you're totes allowed to have all of the feels right now. You've been through a lot, we all have.”
Beca rubbed her face with both hands and sat up a little bit straighter. Having a break down was a luxury they couldn't really afford. After a second she was able to pull her wits together and face Chloe and Aubrey who were sitting there looking at her like…
The necromancer lifted her head prepared to see at the very least the shadow of cringe in their eyes. But she only found compassionate understanding from beings she never before thought capable of any such thing. It almost started another round of inexplicable crying and she had to look away quickly and clear her throat.
“Thanks. For you know, whatever.”
Aubrey’s head tipped to the side as she considered Beca carefully. She was sure the blonde ws secretly reading her mind with that assessing gaze.
“What? Is…is there something on my face or?”
“I would like to kiss you now.”
It started a sputtering laugh out of her and Beca found herself subconsciously stroking a thumb over spot on her arm that Aubrey fed from. Chloe's gaze tracked the movement and her lips pulled into a slow smile.
“I think we both would like to kiss you now.”
Beca opened her mouth to argue that they needed to plan their next steps, to prepare for the war they would bring to the Council but Aubrey’s warm hand cupped her jaw and gently guided her forward into a gentle kiss. The connection between them swelled at the first brush of lips against her own and it stole her breath away.
She pulled back and blinked owlishly at the blonde as she tried to order her thoughts and regain her focus. The necromancer cleared her throat and opened her mouth again. This time it was Chloe that guided her into a kiss and once again she was swallowed by a wave of magic and emotion so intense she could only make a helpless needy sound until the vampire pulled away.
“Okay rude.”
Aubrey’s brow furrowed in confusion. It was clearly not the reaction she had expected. Beca could feel another laugh starting to bubble up and tugged Aubrey forward into a smiling kiss.
“I didn't tell you to stop, Horny.”
They could wait to plan. Right? The Bloodguard couldn't be that close to finding them that they couldn't take some time for them….right? Chloe’s hand slid over her thigh and flicked her tongue teasingly over the scar she had left on Beca's neck. Fire shot down her spine and settled between her legs. Well. She was probably totally going to die anyway so why not go out with a bang?
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harmleikurdraws · 1 year
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Anyone remembers Bob the Necromancer?
It’s not even a proper illustration, just um.. I’m bored at work. Sorry Azkaban for using you like that.
And we’ll make death proud to take us by Literal_Satan
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summertrianglee · 2 months
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[Image ID:
yo what's her number hahah eeyow! [fuckboy lipbite]: nightseeker 4, dragoon 2, arbalist 4, alchemist with short brown hair and glasses, hexer with short brown hair, necromancer 1
peak character design: medic 5, war magus 2, war magus 5, sovereign 2, sovereign 3, sovereign 4, buccaneer 1, buccaneer 3, medic (eo4) 1, both wanderers, fencer 2, pugilist 4, rover 4, vampire 1, gunner 5, survivalist 5, dark hunter 3, sovereign 5, farmer 4
gas: ronin 5, dark hunter (blonde with red whip), medic 2 (mediko), medic masc redhead, highlander 1 and 2, gladiator 4, gladiator 5, twintailed hoplite, ninja 5, old man monk, farmer 5, shogun 5, nightseeker w the middle part, runemaster 4, fencer 3 (blue hair), dragoon 4, harbinger 3, harbinger 4, necromancer 3, fencer 4
its cute!!! or cool!!!: the blonde survivalists, protector 4, dark hunter 1, medic the masc one with glasses, blonde medic, blonde alchemist (masc), troubadour with orange hair, ronin 1 2 and 4, war magus 2, war magus 3, beast 5 (gorilla), hoplite 1, ninja 2, monk 1, monk 4, zodiac 2, zodiac 3, zodiac 5, arbalist 5, farmer 3, shogun 2, landsknecht (eo4) 3, fortress 2, medic (eo4) 3, the girl arcanists, bushi 1, bushi 4, imperial 3, imperial 4, celestrian race portrait 1 (masc), dragoon 3, pugilists 1 2 and 3, harbinger 1 and 2, warlock 2, rover 1, all masuraos, shaman 3 and 4, botanist 1, hero 1 and 2, beast 3 and 4
it's literally fine: landsknechts 1 3 and 2, survivalist (the masc one who isn't blond), protector 1 2 and 3, black hair alchemist, blonde alchemist (fem), white hair troubadour, both male hexers, jack frost gunner, beast 1 and 2, sniper with short brown hair, landsknecht (red hair), hoplite with the bob, buccaneer 2, ninja 1, ninja 4, monk 5, farmer 1, farmer 2, shogun 1 3 and 4, landsknecht (eo4) 1 2 and 4, fortress 1 and 4, sniper 2, both fem eo4 medics, runemaster 2, bushi 2, imperials 1 and 2, earthlain race portraits, fem celestrian race portrait, brouni race portraits, fencer 1, dragoon 1, warlock 4, rover 2, botanists 2 3 and 4, 2 portraits from mystery dungeon 2 that i dont know
he's onto something, but... but...: gladiator 2, hoplite 5, buccaneer 5, yggdroid 4, dark hunter 5
i dont dislike it but i have Problems with it: war magus 4, zodiac 4, wildlings 1 4 and 3, arbalist 1, yggdroids 1 2 3 and 5, dancer 4, troubadour 5, dancers 1 and 3, bushi 3, vampire 2, arbalist 2
my guilt has a strict "no uggos" policy.: landsknecht 5, troubadour 4, protector 5, ronin 3, gunner 4, gunner (black coat), both masc gladiators, hoplit 3, ninja 3, zodiac 1, arbalist 3, nightseeker with fluffy hair, fortress 3, both masc snipers, sniper 4, both masc runemasters, gunner (green coat), both masc arcanists, both therian race portraits, both masc warlocks, necromancer 4, rover 3, shamans 2 and 1
JAILLLLLL: dark hunter 2 (fem w pink hair), alchemist 5, troubadour 2, hexers 2 and 5, sovereign 1, buccaneer 4, monk 2, wildling 2, wildling 5, nightseeker 2, dancer 2, necromancer 2, heroes 3 and 4
hi story character: flavio, raquna, bertrand, simon, arthur, frederica, chloe, highlander, fafnir knight, arianna
/.End ID]
my large evil tierlist go
notes about bias:
i havent played 1 classic at all, i have played a bit of eo2 classic
i havent played either mystery dungeon
i have played through eo3 multiple times (my favorite), eo4 once, eo5 almost done
no thought given to alt colors unless i remembered them. most of these portraits im really only looking at fully while making this tierlist. Feel free to change my mind with good alt colors
just because i dont like some of these doesnt mean i dont like it when other people use it. it's okay when it's your ocs i just wouldnt use the portrait myself
notes about my rankings:
yggdroids are my favorite class bc fuck yes robots, but i wish their designs were better.
dark hunter 5 is so cute, despite the ranking i would play her
most of the problems tier is that yk the designs play into weird stereotypes (wildling and dancer/troubadour) but the first 2 i just dont like blondes, and the bushi just made me laugh the anime boy cut is too funny...
the tiers are unordered. my all time favorite class portrait EVER is [drumroll please...] arbalist 4 alt color.
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